Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Drinks dispense technician (level 3)
Installing and maintaining drinks dispense systems.
Dual fuel smart meter installer (level 2)
Safely installing, exchanging and maintaining smart meters, explaining to customers how they work and how to use energy more efficiently.
Early intervention practitioner (level 4)
Provide intervention services early in identified cases.
Early years educator (level 3)
Highly trained professionals who play a key role in ensuring that young children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe.
Early years lead practitioner (level 5)
Working directly with children, skilfully leading day to day practice.
Early years practitioner (level 2)
Work and interact directly with children on a day to day basis supporting the planning of and delivery of activities.
Early years teacher (EYTS) (level 6)
To be responsible for the learning, physical, emotional, social and intellectual development, and care of young children from birth to 5 years.
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Ecologist (degree) (level 7)
Studying the relationships between living things and their environment to help to resolve potentially conflicting demands between economic development and the environment.
Education technician (he assistant technician and simulation-based technician) (level 3)
Provide skilled technical support in teaching, learning and research environments.
Electrical or electronic technical support engineer (degree) (level 6)
Supporting the manufacturing of new products by bringing the product to life and resolving manufacturing problems.