Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Family and systemic psychotherapist (level 7)
Family and systemic psychotherapists help individuals, families, couples and wider networks to find ways to help each other when one or more members are struggling with mental health, relational and or behavioural difficulties. They may provide therapy for whole families, parts of families, individuals, couples, or other significant relationships.
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Farrier (level 3)
Maintaining and caring for equine feet.
Fashion and textiles pattern cutter (level 3)
Producing a variety of products from clothing and fashion items to leather goods, soft furnishings, marine and medical textiles.
Fashion and textiles product technologist (level 4)
Producing a wide range of products, from clothing and fashion to leather goods, shoes, soft furnishings, marine and medical textiles.
Fashion studio assistant (level 3)
Supporting designers to create new materials, styles, colours and patterns for fashion brands and labels.
Fencing installer (level 2)
Installing different types of fences, gates and barriers, across a broad cross-section of different environments.
Fenestration fabricator (level 2)
Manufacturing fenestration products such as windows, doors, shop fronts and walls.
Fenestration installer (level 2)
Installing a wide range of replacement and new build fenestration products in a property or structure.
Financial adviser (level 4)
Working within small businesses or large organisations such as banks, giving clients specialist advice on how to manage their money.
Financial services administrator (level 3)
Providing administrative support to a financial organisation, to provide a high quality and compliant service.