Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Metal fabricator (level 3)
Manufacturing anything that can be fabricated out of metal such as bridges, oil rigs and ships.
Metal recycling general operative (level 2)
Identifying different metals, sorting and separating them into grades
Metal recycling technical manager (MRTM) (level 5)
Manage a commercially viable site in the metal recycling sector, which considers and responds to strict regulations and legislation specific to the sectors operational activity.
Metrology technician (level 3)
Using, designing and repairing equipment for taking measurements.
Midwife (2019 NMC standards) (Integrated degree) (level 6)
An advocate for the woman, working in partnership with her and giving the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy.
Midwife (degree) (level 6)
Giving the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period.
Military engineering construction technician (level 3)
Multi-skilled soldiers, combat engineers and tradesmen.
Mine management (level 6)
Lead and manage underground mining operations.
Mineral and construction product sampling and testing operations (level 2)
Collecting and sampling mineral and construction products to ensure they meet customer specifications.
Mineral processing weighbridge operator (level 2)
Acting as the hub for the operational site, controlling vehicle movements, contractors, authorised personal and members of the public.