Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Watchmaker (level 3)
Make, service and repair watches.
Water environment worker (level 3)
Maintaining, repairing and carrying out minor works on a variety of water environment assets.
Water industry network technician (level 3)
Water industry network technicians respond to incidents and monitor water or waste water networks, resolving issues or identifying action required.
Water industry treatment process technician (level 3)
Maintain site process standards for water or wastewater.
Water network operative (level 2)
Construct, maintain and repair water network infrastructure, to provide a reliable supply/service to domestic, commercial and industrial users.
Water process operative (level 2)
Carry out operations in a clean water or waste water treatment facility to ensure water safety.
Water process technician (level 3)
Carrying out reactive and routine maintenance on water process equipment, working on water supply and treatment, water networks and leakage, sewerage and wastewater.
Water treatment technician (level 3)
Responsible for the development, installation and maintenance of water treatment programmes for water systems.
Welder (level 2)
Welding of metals in two welding positions, using at least 1 arc welding process, passing surface inspection.
Wellbeing and holistic therapist (level 3)
Create, implement and adapt tailored holistic and wellbeing experiences.