Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Health play specialist (level 5)
Providing therapeutic play interventions for sick infants, children and young people, service users, carers and families of all ages, throughout their healthcare journey.
Healthcare engineering specialist technician (level 3)
To ensure service continuity for specialist healthcare medical devices or healthcare estates.
Healthcare science assistant (level 2)
Carrying out routine technical and scientific procedures and support within hospitals, doctor surgeries and other healthcare settings for a wide range of people.
Healthcare science associate (level 4)
Working in hospitals, primary care and other healthcare settings, carrying out routine technical and scientific procedures. Supporting healthcare science (HCS) practitioners and clinical scientists.
Healthcare science practitioner (integrated degree) (level 6)
Supporting the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.
Healthcare support worker (level 2)
Providing high-quality and compassionate healthcare.
Hearing aid dispenser (level 5)
Assess hearing and provide aftercare for hearing aids.
Heat network maintenance technician (level 3)
Heat network technicians are responsible for the operation, planned maintenance and reactive repair of all equipment relevant to the district heat network. This will involve attending customer properties - both residential and commercial, as well as distribution substations and energy centres, generating heat and often electricity.
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Heavy vehicle service and maintenance technician (level 3)
Inspecting and repairing a range of heavy vehicles and trailers.
Heritage construction specialist (level 5)
Ensure the maintenance of heritage properties through construction projects that repair, restore, adapt, alter or retrofit historic buildings and heritage assets.