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Apprenticeship training courses

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Equal to GCSE
Equal to A level
Equal to higher national certificate (HNC)
Equal to higher national diploma (HND)
Equal to degree
Equal to master’s degree

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795 results

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  1. Junior estate agent (level 2)

    Working in different areas of an estate agent completing tasks such as arranging viewings and accompanying colleagues on site visits to various properties.

    2 (equal to GCSE)
    Job Category
    Sales, marketing and procurement
    12 months
    Maximum funding from government
  2. Junior grip (level 2)

    Build, maintain and move grip equipment during productions.

    2 (equal to GCSE)
    Job Category
    Creative and design
    24 months
    Maximum funding from government
  3. Junior journalist (level 3)

    Creating news items using a combination of words, pictures and moving images.

    3 (equal to A level)
    Job Category
    Creative and design
    18 months
    Maximum funding from government
  4. Junior management consultant (level 4)

    Provide business advice to public, private and not-for-profit organisations.

    4 (equal to higher national certificate (HNC))
    Job Category
    Business and administration
    24 months
    Maximum funding from government
  5. Junior production coordinator (level 4)

    Co-ordinate productions using specialist production management skills, knowledge and experience.

    4 (equal to higher national certificate (HNC))
    Job Category
    Creative and design
    18 months
    Maximum funding from government
  6. Junior vfx artist (generalist) (level 4)

    Select and use relevant 3D software to create visually engaging motion graphics, animations or images (assets).

    4 (equal to higher national certificate (HNC))
    Job Category
    Creative and design
    18 months
    Maximum funding from government
  7. Junior visual effects - VFX artist or assistant technical director - ATD (level 4)

    Create high quality, performant visuals within budgets.

    4 (equal to higher national certificate (HNC))
    Job Category
    Creative and design
    18 months
    Maximum funding from government
  8. Keeper and aquarist (level 3)

    Responsible for the everyday care and husbandry of the animals within the collection.

    3 (equal to A level)
    Job Category
    Agriculture, environmental and animal care
    24 months
    Maximum funding from government
  9. Knitted product manufacturing technician (level 3)

    Create knitted components or products that meet customer and/or organisation specifications and quality standards.

    3 (equal to A level)
    Job Category
    Engineering and manufacturing
    24 months
    Maximum funding from government
  10. Laboratory scientist (level 5)

    Carrying out technical and scientific activity in laboratories.

    5 (equal to higher national diploma (HND))
    Job Category
    Health and science
    60 months
    Maximum funding from government