Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Laboratory scientist (degree) (level 6)
Carrying out technical and scientific activity in laboratories.
Laboratory technician (level 3)
Providing routine and one-off testing and technical support in a scientific laboratory environment.
Land referencer (level 4)
Provide supporting evidence, documentation and information for an acquiring authority to obtain land for the purposes of large development or infrastructure projects.
Land-based service engineer (level 2)
Maintaining a range of machinery, plant and equipment in sectors such as agriculture, forestry and horticulture.
Land-based service engineering technician (level 3)
Providing advanced technical support and guidance across a diverse range of plant and equipment in sectors such as agriculture, horticulture, forestry and outdoor power.
Landscape technician (level 3)
Work with and support landscape professionals in designing, planning and managing spaces in both natural and built environments.
Large goods vehicle (LGV) driver C + E (level 2)
Drive large goods vehicles.
Lead adult care worker (level 3)
Leading frontline care for vulnerable adults within their own homes, day care centres, residential and nursing homes and other healthcare settings.
Lead baker (level 3)
Plan, prepare and produce a significant range of refined products such as sour dough, complex pastry and biscuit products, fried products, and cake and sponge products.
Lead engineering maintenance technician (level 4)
Offer engineering support, technical leadership and expertise.