Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Applications support lead (level 4)
Provide tactical advice, training and support on core technology applications.
Arboriculturist (level 4)
Undertake tree inspections and surveys.
Arborist (level 2)
Pruning, felling and maintaining trees.
Archaeological specialist (degree) (level 7)
Planning, undertaking and leading archaeological research and investigation.
Archaeological technician (level 3)
Providing support during archaeological investigations, which may comprise surveys, excavations and post-excavation analysis.
Architect (integrated degree) (level 7)
Working on the design of new buildings and the redesign of existing buildings.
Architectural assistant (integrated degree) (level 6)
Working with Architects and other professionals such as Engineers, to design buildings and deliver architectural projects.
Archivist and records manager (level 7)
Using professional judgement and support of others to ensure the delivery, security and accessibility of records and other materials.
Artificial intelligence (AI) data specialist (level 7)
Discover new artificial intelligence solutions that use data to improve and automate business processes.
Arts therapist (level 7)
Using art, drama or music to carry to improve a person’s mental, physical health and wellbeing.