Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Aircraft certifying technician (level 4)
Maintain and certify aircraft of all types from small aeroplanes to airliners, jet fighters and helicopters, both civil and military.
Aircraft maintenance fitter or technician (fixed and rotary wing) (level 3)
Aircraft maintenance technician (level 3)
To maintain and certify aircraft.
Airside operator (level 2)
Monitoring airfields to make sure of the safe and scheduled arrival, turnaround and departure of aircraft.
Ambulance support worker (emergency, urgent and non-urgent) (level 3)
Provide care and clinical support for emergency (999), urgent or unscheduled care calls.
Animal care and welfare assistant (level 2)
Looking after the routine day to day care of domestic and/or wild animals.
Animal care and welfare manager (level 3)
Plan and manage the husbandry needs of domestic or wild animals in their care.
Animal technologist (level 3)
Working with laboratory animals.
Animal training instructor (level 4)
Planning, managing, delivering and reviewing the training of animals.
Anti-social behaviour and community safety officer (level 4)
Investigate reports of anti-social behaviour.