Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Advanced and creative hair professional (level 3)
Create, plan and promote a collection of hairstyles and looks that reflects their own individuality.
Advanced baker (level 3)
Making and selling baked goods, such as bread, cakes, pies, pastries and biscuits.
Advanced beauty therapist (level 3)
Provide, design and implement bespoke treatment plans.
Advanced butcher (level 3)
Working in and running a butcher's shop, butchery department or meat processing plant.
Advanced clinical practitioner (integrated degree) (level 7)
Providing clinical care and treatment to patients.
Advanced credit controller and debt collection specialist (level 3)
Managing credit and collecting debt for businesses and other organisation.
Advanced digital forensic professional (level 7)
Undertake and innovate the capture, processing, and analysis of specialist digital forensic evidence.
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Advanced forensic practitioner (custody or sexual offence) (level 7)
Gathering evidence through forensic sampling, toxicology, documentation of injuries and provision of a statement to support the criminal justice system.
Advanced furniture CNC technician (level 3)
Manufacturing furniture and furniture components, such as desk lids, doors, casings or legs, using Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machinery to perform precision tasks.
Advanced golf greenkeeper (level 3)
Assisting with the supervising of the greenkeeping team and the maintenance of the golf course.