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Apprenticeship training courses

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Equal to GCSE
Equal to A level
Equal to higher national certificate (HNC)
Equal to higher national diploma (HND)
Equal to degree
Equal to master’s degree

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795 results

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  1. Poultry technician (level 3)

    Raising animals with optimal welfare and consideration for their needs throughout the different stages of life

    3 (equal to A level)
    Job Category
    Agriculture, environmental and animal care
    18 months
    Maximum funding from government
  2. Poultry worker (level 2)

    Farming birds for their eggs or meat.

    2 (equal to GCSE)
    Job Category
    Agriculture, environmental and animal care
    12 months
    Maximum funding from government
  3. Power and propulsion gas turbine engineer (level 7)

    Design and develop, operate and maintain gas turbine systems.

    7 (equal to master’s degree)
    Job Category
    Engineering and manufacturing
    36 months
    Maximum funding from government
  4. Power engineer (integrated degree) (level 7)

    Developing and applying new technologies to improve safety, reliability and cost-effectiveness within the energy sector.

    7 (equal to master’s degree)
    Job Category
    Engineering and manufacturing
    60 months
    Maximum funding from government
  5. Power industry distribution cable jointer (level 3)

    Connect new supplies, divert and make alterations to existing supplies, and locate and repair faults on the underground power distribution network.

    3 (equal to A level)
    Job Category
    Engineering and manufacturing
    30 months
    Maximum funding from government
  6. Power industry overhead linesperson (level 3)

    Planned and reactive work to maintain and repair plant and equipment associated with power distribution or transmission overhead lines.

    3 (equal to A level)
    Job Category
    Engineering and manufacturing
    30 months
    Maximum funding from government
  7. Power industry substation fitter (level 3)

    Constructing or maintaining power industry substations.

    3 (equal to A level)
    Job Category
    Engineering and manufacturing
    30 months
    Maximum funding from government
  8. Power network craftsperson (level 3)

    Constructing, maintaining and repairing the UK's electrical power network, providing a safe and reliable supply of electricity to the country.

    3 (equal to A level)
    Job Category
    Engineering and manufacturing
    30 months
    Maximum funding from government
  9. Powered pedestrian door installer and service engineer (level 2)

    Planning, preparing and safely carrying out work activities in door automation.

    2 (equal to GCSE)
    Job Category
    Construction and the built environment
    24 months
    Maximum funding from government
  10. Print operative (level 2)

    Assist in the production of a printed product or component.

    2 (equal to GCSE)
    Job Category
    Engineering and manufacturing
    24 months
    Maximum funding from government