Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Product design and development technician (level 3)
Production assistant - screen and audio (level 3)
Providing support and assistance to help with the delivery of content for TV or radio shows.
Production chef (level 2)
Working as part of a team in kitchen environments.
Professional accounting or taxation technician (level 4)
Working as an accountant or bookkeeper for an accounting practice, business, organisations or HMRC.
Professional arboriculturist (level 6)
Managing peri-urban and urban trees.
Professional economist (integrated degree) (level 6)
Producing rigorous, relevant and impactful economic analysis to drive decision-making at all levels.
Professional forester (integrated degree) (level 6)
Provide expert advice on the woodlands and forests.
Professional security operative (level 2)
To be an organisation’s first line of defence.
Project controls professional (level 6)
Ensure that projects deliver successfully and safely to time, cost and quality.
Project controls technician (level 3)
Analysing progress and performance data on engineering, manufacturing, construction and infrastructure projects.