Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Software development technician (level 3)
Building simple applications for use in larger software developments.
Software tester (level 4)
Carrying out tests to make sure computer software works as intended and is fit for purpose.
Soil scientist (level 7)
To gather, interpret and evaluate information about the chemistry, biology and physics of soil.
Solicitor (level 7)
Progressing legal matters and transactions, applying legal knowledge and commercial judgement to produce solutions which meet clients' needs.
Sonographer (integrated degree) (level 6)
Conducting diagnostic and screening ultrasound examinations.
Space engineering technician (level 4)
Support the development, manufacturing, assembly, integration and testing of complex, high value space hardware and ground-based equipment.
Space systems engineer (level 6)
To take a leading role in the design, manufacturing and testing of complex, high value space hardware and ground support equipment.
Spatial data specialist (level 7)
Initiate and lead programmes and projects which use location to link, analyse and gain insight from multiple datasets.
Specialist community public health nurse (level 7)
Assessing the health needs of individuals, families, workplaces and the wider community.
Specialist community public health nurse (NMC 2022) (level 7)
Assessing the health needs of individuals, families, workplaces and the wider community.