Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Steel fixer (level 2)
Assembling and installing steelworks required to strengthen reinforced concrete structures.
Steeplejack (level 2)
Conduct routine inspections, maintenance tasks and minor planned and responsive repair works to buildings and structures at height.
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Stockperson (beef, pigs, sheep, dairy) (level 2)
Raising animals with optimal welfare and consideration for their needs throughout the different stages of their life.
Stonemason (level 2)
Install new natural sustainable and ethically sourced stone or conserve, repair or replace existing natural stone in buildings and/or landscape projects.
Storyboard artist (level 7)
To use storyboards to visualise the narrative, planning shots and drawing panels to demonstrate the staging/action, and maintain continuity between scenes of a production.
Structural steelwork erector (level 2)
Assembling fabricated structural steel components in order to ensure that the finished structure is secure and level.
Structural steelwork fabricator (level 2)
Welding on construction projects.
Supply chain leadership professional (integrated degree) (level 6)
Procuring, producing, moving and delivering a product or service from a supplier to a customer or end-user.
Supply chain operator (level 2)
Managing the movement of goods across all sectors and distances for a range of customers from private individuals and sole traders through to large global organisations.
Supply chain practitioner (fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)) (level 3)
Organising and coordinating a network of interconnected businesses in the provision of goods and services to the end customer.