Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Cultural learning and participation officer (level 3)
Planning, organising and co-ordinating artistic and cultural education community engagement projects.
Curator (level 7)
Research, understand, develop and interpret collections, themes or subjects.
Curtain wall installer (level 3)
Install curtain wall systems to form all or part of the external envelope of a building
Custody and detention professional (level 3)
Ensuring individuals in custody and detention centres are held in a secure, safe, decent and fair environment.
Customer service practitioner (level 2)
Providing customer service products and services for businesses and other organisations including face-to-face, telephone, digital and written contact and communications.
Customer service specialist (level 3)
Dealing with customer queries, purchases and complaints.
Cyber intrusion analyst (level 4)
Detect breaches in network security, understand alerts and inform incident response team about system breaches.
Cyber security technical professional (integrated degree) (level 6)
Leading teams which manage cyber security risks.
Cyber security technician (level 3)
Provide first line cyber security support.
Cyber security technologist (level 4)
Managing and dealing with cyber threats, hazards and risks to protect organisations, systems and people from harm.