Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Dental laboratory assistant (level 3)
Assisting dental technicians, who design, make, modify and repair custom made dental devices.
Dental nurse (GDC 2023) (level 3)
Assisting other dental health professionals, providing chair side support and a high level of patient care.
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Dental nurse (integrated) (level 3)
Assisting other dental health professionals, providing chair side support and a high level of patient care.
Dental practice manager (level 4)
Managing all non-clinical aspects of a dental surgery, leading the practice team and achieving excellent patient care and cost efficiency.
Dental technician (GDC 2023) (level 5)
Design, manufacture, modify and repair custom-made dental appliances. Typically the work is undertaken in a dental laboratory on a prescription from a dentist. The work can broadly be split into crown and bridge, dentures and orthodontics.
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Dental technician (integrated) (level 5)
Designing, manufacturing, modifying and repairing custom-made dental appliances.
Design and construction management (degree) (level 6)
Leading, managing and coordinating the design and/or construction process on building and infrastructure projects.
DevOps engineer (level 4)
Enabling organisations to get valuable working software out in front of active users and improving the quality of digital services.
Diagnostic radiographer (level 6)
Obtaining images of a high diagnostic quality using a range of complex imaging equipment.
Dietitian (level 6)
Using advanced communication and behaviour-change skills to enable people to make lifestyle and food choices to improve their health.