Apprenticeship training courses
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795 results
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Cyber security technologist (2021) (level 4)
Apply an understanding of cyber security to protect from attacks and unauthorised access.
Dairy technologist (level 5)
Providing expert technical advice and support on a variety of aspects of dairy production and activities.
Data analyst (level 4)
Collect, organise and study data to provide business insight.
Data engineer (level 5)
Build systems that collect, manage, and convert data into usable information for data scientists, data analysts and business intelligence analysts to interpret.
Data protection and information governance practitioner (level 4)
Provide regulatory and technical advice providing assurance to key stakeholders and regulators.
Data scientist (integrated degree) (level 6)
Working in a team to find ways to improve an organisation's processes.
Data technician (level 3)
Source, format and present data securely in a relevant way for analysis.
Debt adviser (level 3)
Assess a customers full circumstances and provide suitable advice to enable the customer to best manage their debts.
Demolition operative (level 2)
Carrying out the process of demolishing or part-demolishing structures ranging from standard brick and concrete buildings to bridges, industrial plants and power stations.
Dental hygienist (level 6)
Dental hygienists are registered dental professionals who help patients maintain their oral and general health by preventing and treating periodontal (gum) disease and promoting good oral health practice.
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